How to write issue essay in gre
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Communication Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Communication - Annotated Bibliography Example Barret and Davidson (2006, p.38) have also observed that gendered thinking has to replace male paradigms of interpersonal communication. Suggesting that language is also a tool for the oppression of women in almost all native cultures, Longmire and Merrill (2001,p.1 ) have said that â€Å"our native language depicts the normative, the generic, as ‘male,’ women are necessarily defined as ‘other.†For example, when one uses the word, ‘mankind’, â€Å"man is to mean all people, both male and female†(Longmire and Merrill, 2001, p.1). And also, it has been concluded that non-verbal communication constitutes almost seventy percent of any interpersonal communication (Hartley, 1993, p.164). And it is often found that in an interpersonal communication between two people of different gender, the possibility of sexually loaded non-verbal communication to happen even in contradiction with the verbal message that is imparted, is far more ( Fulham, 1995). This leads to misunderstandings. Another interesting aspect of the impact of gender in interpersonal communication is that men â€Å"tend to interrupt, take long, sole-speaker turns, and use direct forms while women tend to use indirect or modalizing strategies, use inclusive communication techniques and encourage collaborative turns and floors (Barret and Davidson, 2006,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Business - Essay Example 136). A business organization’s environment may not be susceptible to change, and this could continue for several years. Such organizations are characterized by stability and predictability. However, there could be business organizations that are significantly influenced by the changes that transpire in their environment. In such instances, the business organization could undergo intricate, frequent, and rapid changes (Dyer & Ross, 2008, p. 137). Business should adopt changes according to its environmental factors. A dynamic business environment is one that adopts changes quickly according to the surrounding issues; such as government policies, availability of employees and competition from other business organizations in the field. The more important business functions are facilities and security, finance, human resources, information technology, legal requirements and compliance with the same, manufacturing, marketing and sales, operations, research and development, and inve ntory, order fulfillment, shipping and receiving (Snedaker, 2007, pp. 225 – 226). Any contingency plan has to take these functions into consideration. Thus, the incident response (IR) plan concentrates on immediate response. In case the attack increases in ferocity, the disaster recovery (DR) plan or business continuity (BC) plan has to be undertaken. The DR plan focuses on restoring systems at the original location, subsequent to the occurrence of the disaster. On the other hand, the BC plan is implemented along with the DR plan, in instances where the damage is substantial and ongoing. In other words, this combined intervention is reserved for situations, in which something more than simple restoration of information and resources related to information are required. The purpose of the BC plan is to establish the critical business functions at a different location (Whitman & Mattord, 2011, p. 212). Appropriate planning will save an organization from critical situations. Pla ns such as disaster recovery and business continuity will help in restoring the system to normalcy, in an efficient manner. . Human Systems Integration is a system that brings about the integration of human capabilities, their limitations, and preferences into an engineering system. It brings business and engineering cultures closer to a human centric mechanism, which produces significant performance and cost advantages. These benefits would not have been possible, but for this initiative. All the same, Human Systems Integration demands a cultural change that should commence with the organizational leadership (Booher, 2003, p. xv). Human systems integration would benefit the organization by enhancing the capacity of the workers, while simultaneously reducing costs. Business organizations should be socially responsible, and should conform to the extant social standards, values, and ethics. In the 2000s, several financial scandals surfaced in the US, which served to create disgust and distrust in the public towards the corporate sector. In order to rectify this untenable and unwelcome situation, the US Congress passed the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2008, p. 39). This Act made securities fraud a crime and significantly enhanced the penalties for corporate fraud. The managers of a company have to necessarily comply with the existing laws and regulations. Companies face difficulties with the law, when they indulge in activities
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Discussion question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15
Discussion question - Coursework Example Diabetes has increased among individuals based on the absurd lifestyle and unbalanced food habits. Managing the impact of obesity and neuropathy play the vital role in reducing the difficulties that may accumulated with diabetes. It has often been noted that the people who are overweight are noted to be having higher chances of developing diabetes. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of diabetes the neuropathy and obesity instances must be controlled so that the impact of the same could be reduced to a greater extent (Rangel & et al., 2014). The provider can approach the patient with the help of discussion about the treatment related to diabetes as well as the difficulties of diabetes can be reduced. By providing a better treatment related to diabetes provider can influence the selection of agents for the treatment of diabetes. The development of instances of obesity could help in developing a proper domain of treatment for controlling the level of blood sugar. By enhancing the self-care activities of patient the provider can effectively develop a proper plan for meeting with the needs of the progression and enhance the treatment of blood sugar. With the help of medication as well as counseling the provider can influence the patients for the treatment of diabetes and reduce the problem associated with the same (Mshigeni, Kimunai, Anderson, Fildes & Villar, 2014). Rangel, A. H., Moreno, C. A. Ochoa, T. M., Saucedo, L. Z. & Renaud, K. J. (2014). The influence of peripheral neuropathy, gender, and obesity on the postural stability of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Diabetes Research,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Trickster Tale Revised Essay Example for Free
Trickster Tale Revised Essay Lions are the only cats in the animal kingdom with a mane. A lions mane, which is to say, the majestic head of hair growing around the large male cats neck and framing its face is central and unique to its appearance, and has always been an iconic symbol of a lions strength and physical fortitude, and one which appears to crown and affirm his title as the apparent king of the jungle.            But the lion wasnt always king of the jungle, and it didnt always have its mane.            Once, in the far stretches of an African savannah, where every animal was said to be born and breathed into existence, there lived a maneless male lion, who lacked confidence in his appearance and was unsure of himself, but at the same time, was cunning and malicious.            One afternoon, Lion traveled the extent of the savannah looking for a waterhole, and came across a creature with four spindly legs and a set of what appeared to be branches of wood stemming from above its head, who went by the name Deer. Deer told Lion that it was the first time he had ever seen a creature who appeared so plain and was devoid of any markings and distinctive features whatsoever.            Lion was insulted by Deers disparaging remark, but told Deer that he had never seen as more common a creature as well, because many of the creatures Lion has come across with bore the same twigs or branches of wood on their heads, and that contrary to Deers remark, Lion, not having the said feature, was in fact, what made him distinct and unique. This brought Deer to contemplate on his appearance. Lion persuaded Deer to rid himself of the bland thing stemming from his head which made Deer plain, and Deer did as Lion directed, removed his horns and walked away, pleased and elated by his apparent newfound uniqueness. Lion, upon Deers departure, took the horns, and wore it for himself.            Pleased with his change of appearance, Lion proudly roamed the savannah, and upon reaching the waterhole, came across an animal whose skin was covered with striped markings of black and white, who was called zebra. Zebra told Lion that he knew of many animals which grew horns above their heads, but none which bore the same markings of black and white as his. Lion, refusing to be categorized among the many animals who shared the features he thought would separate and distinguish him from the rest of the creatures in the grasslands, and finding that the lie he told Deer appeared to be, in fact, true, dispatched of his horns, and took Zebras stripes for his own.            Bearing stripes of black and white, Lion was on his way home when he saw Cheetah, who bore black circular markings against his brown flesh, stood looking at Lion, laughing. Lion demanded to know what Cheetah found hilarious, and Cheetah replied that Lions black and white stripes not only look unnatural and unsophisticated against his flesh, but was about the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen in the grasslands so far. This incensed and angered Lion the most as he had gone through great lengths reinventing himself, and being called ridiculous and laughed at to his face was more than he could take. So he rid himself of the unnatural and unsophisticated markings that was Zebras and was about to take Cheetahs spots for his own when Cheetah evaded him. Lion ran after Cheetah, but Cheetah proved too fast for him to apprehend. As though speed wasnt already enough of a factor, his pursuit of Cheetah brought him across various obstacles, including pool of sticky mud, which Lion arose from exhausted and grimy, and after which, he gave up the chase and retired to sleep.            In the instance of his waking, Lion finds that the sticky pool of mud which he narrowly escaped not only clung and melded to his skin, in a rich golden brown, but stuck a significant amount of a similar color appearing as hair, covering the skin surrounding his face, from the expanse of wilted grass in the savannah in which he slept in. Over time, The golden grass approximating hair would adapt, meld, and grow with Lions physicality, and with it, his confidence, self assurance and courage would develop and grow as well. The audacity of his actions, and the said confidence and self assurance brought about by his change of appearance would later on bring him into being proclaimed as king of the jungle.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Huck Finn :: essays research papers
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a story about a young boy who is very wild at the beginning and tries to become â€Å"civilized†. The story is set in the middle 1800’s in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. The story begins as with Huck running away from home. His buddy Tom Sawyer tells him if he goes home, Huck can be in a band of robbers. So he goes home. The Widow Douglas, who adopted Huck, tries to teach him about Moses. Huck later finds out that Moses is dead, so he loses interest. The Widow’s sister, Miss Watson tries to teach Huck how to spell. Huck sneaks out with Tom and tiptoe through the widow's garden. Huck trips on a root as he passes by the kitchen. Jim, one of Miss Watson's slaves, hears him from inside. They don’t get caught. Meanwhile, a rumor circulates that Huck's father, who has not been seen in a year, is dead. A body was found in the river, thought to be his father because of its "ragged" appearance. The face, however, was unrecognizable. At first Huck is relieved. His father had been a drunk who beat him when he was sober, though Huck stayed hidden from him most of the time. Based on the description of the body found, however, Huck soon realizes that it was not his father, but a woman dressed in men's clothes. He worries that his father will soon reappear. Nothing happens in Tom’s â€Å"gang†, so the other boys lose interest and quit. School starts and Huck shows improvement. Huck later sees his father. His father gets mad because Huck is the first person in the family to learn how to read. One day Huck’s father kidnapped him, and takes him to a cabin. He locks Huck in it all day. Huck finds a saw and saws through the wall and almost gets out, but his father catches him. Huck runs away again, everyone thinks that Jim killed him, since he vanished the same day Huck did.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Extra Classes
Extra classes a waste of time and resources SOME schools extend schooling time to hold extra classes. The schools think that this will guarantee straight A’s students. I do not think so. After-school hours are for students to play games, join some social events or other beneficial activities. And the school holiday is a very crucial time for students because they can rest and indulge in their favourite pastimes like reading, playing outdoor games, travelling, etc, which they would not otherwise have the time for. All these activities are beneficial to them as they are in their growing years.Malaysia is a tropical country with a hot and humid climate and it is not conducive for students and teachers alike to study and teach in the hot afternoon. Extra classes are normally an extension of school hours, which make it very uncomfortable, and coupled with their tiredness make these lessons a waste of time and resources for both teachers and students. One thing about extra classes i s that control and supervision by the school authorities tend to be lax. And because of this, students often flout school rules by playing truant and bringing mobile phones to class.This then defeats the whole purpose of having tuition classes! So why have tuition classes? It is a waste of time and resources to parents and the school authorities, not to mention the desired end-results. Students should be committed to their studies when in school. Schools should develop each student’s talents according to his or her potential. That will effectively nurture students. Extra classes burdening and unnecessary? EF International Academy www. ef. com/academy More parents are sending their children, aged between 7 and 10, for private tuition.They cite competitive school environment, crowded classrooms and changing standards of language as reasons. But there are also perceptions that extra tuition places unnecessary stress on the child, writes Rozanna Latiff SHARON Lieu, a 36-year-old mother of three, sends her eldest daughter, aged 8, for Mathematics and English tuition twice a week. Even though Lieu does not believe that primary school children should be attending tuition classes, her daughter's struggle to catch up with her classmates had forced the matter. â€Å"In school, her class is so big that the teachers don't have time to help the few who cannot follow the lessons. Some have even told the students, ‘Ask your tuition teacher' when the child says they can't understand. †Lieu said she had little time to teach her daughter on her own as she was often busy with work and taking care of her younger children. â€Å"I wish that I did not have to send her for tuition, but it is the only way she will be able to keep up. â€Å"I think many parents feel the same way, especially as schools have become more competitive. †School authorities and parent groups generally agree that sending children under 10 years old for private tuition was unneces sary.Some, such as the National Collaborative Parent-Teacher Associations of Malaysia president Associate Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Ali Hasan, believe that sending pupils for tuition too early could even be detrimental to their social development. â€Å"Children should be allowed time to play and learn at their own pace. â€Å"Putting too much pressure on them to succeed academically at an early age means that there will be less time for them to learn to socialise or communicate effectively with others. â€Å"Stress can also affect them emotionally. â€Å"Ali said the most important part of early education was learning the basic skills of reading, writing and counting, which weaker students can master under the education ministry's learning and numeracy (Linus) remedial programme. He said tuition should be a measure of last resort when the student is truly struggling with schoolwork. â€Å"It is crucial that they learn to read and count by Year Three. â€Å"But apart from that, paren ts should just let children be children. †Nevertheless, the Education Ministry believes that there is little to stop parents from sending their children to tuition outside school hours. Ultimately, it is the parents choice. â€Å"I'm not saying it is healthy, but parents just want the best for their children. â€Å"If they believe tuition is the way to go, then there is nothing to stop them,†deputy education minister Dr Puad Zarkashi said. Puad, however, remained sceptical on whether private tuition centres offered the best education for children. â€Å"The best kind of tuition allows the child to study one-on-one with the teacher. â€Å"But most centres usually have several students to one teacher. Some centres even crowd up to 40 students in one class. So, I don't believe they make much of a difference.Read more: Extra classes burdening and unnecessary? – Top News – New Straits Times http://www. nst. com. my/top-news/extra-classes-burdening-and-unne cessary-1. 52841#ixzz2IFQypuPW [pic]About EF Founded in 1965, EF Education First is the world's largest private education company. We offer language education for students and professionals in more than 50 countries. [pic]EF Research Unit at University of Cambridge EF has established a Research Unit at the University of Cambridge Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics to collaborate on fundamentally improving the way students learn English. EF International AcademyAdmissions Office Haldenstrasse 4 Luzern 6006 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 417 46 31 [pic]EF International Academy in New York, Oxford and Torbay are IB world schools. [pic]The EF schools in London, Cambridge, Oxford, Manchester, Brighton and Bournemouth are accredited by the British Council. [pic]The EF school in Torbay is accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education [pic]The EF school in New York is a member of the American Association of Intensive English Programs. [ pic]EF International Academy schools are accredited by the University of Cambridge International Examinations Centre.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Corcentric Announces
Correction Announces 2014 Scholarship Program Winner 1888 Press Release Correction, a leading provider of accounts payable automation and electronic Invoice Eng solutions, today announced that It has awarded Its annual Accounting Software School rashly to Kathleen Bells, of Battle Ground, WA. MCLEAN, VA Ms. Bells, who wrote the winning essay, addresses the following question posed by Correctly. Today, with online banking, debit cards, and Papal payments, managing your person al finances may seem easier. But with no actual cash changing hands, tracking your account balances become sees increasingly important?If you were teaching a course on managing personal finances, using your own experiences as an example, how would you instruct your students to take charge and manage their final once effectively? In her response, Ms. Believe discusses the challenges of effectively managing her peers Anal finances, while also balancing school and her home life. She explains, â€Å"What I have pers onally found useful LU is to keep my receipts, set rules for spending limits, and to set a weekly alarm to sit down and review my sac aunt. She discusses the sessions she has learned through her personal experiences and how they could be he Full in teaching other students the importance of effectively managing their own personal finances. The Correction Accounting Software Scholarship was created to help offset the increase singly heavy cost of college and is open to all currently enrolled full time college freshmen, sophomores, and Juniors, as well as college bound, U. S. High school seniors. Correcting thanks all the participants who submitted essays and wishes them well n their endeavors.About Correctly For more than 15 years, Cornstalk's cloud based financial process automation solutions have revolutionized how the world's largest organizations manage and protect their financial assets. By c neglecting best practices with deep expertise, Cornstalk's ground breaking Accounts Paya ble and Accounts Receivable automation solutions have enabled organizations to reduce costs, streamline processes, and Provo Did unmatched visibility executives need to make critical business decisions. Learn more at http://www. Correction. Com or call 888. 525. 7677. ###
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